Free Online Tool Estimates Savings, Environmental Impact of ERV

Posted 16 September, 2013 — Newsroom


AIRX Estimator for the Environment calculates the energy savings and environmental impact
possible when energy recovery ventilation is utilized in commercial buildings.
Airxchange® Inc., the Rockland, Mass.-based manufacturer of energy-recovery-ventilation
(ERV) components, recently announced the release of AIRX Estimator for the Environment, a
free online tool designed to quickly calculate the energy savings and environmental impact
possible when ERV technology is utilized in commercial buildings.

AIRX Estimator for the Environment quickly quantifies carbon-dioxide reduction by energy
source using three pieces of information:
• City (currently available for the United States and Canada only).
• The number of hours the building is occupied.
• Outdoor-airflow rate (cubic feet per minute).

If outdoor-airflow rate is not known, AIRX will estimate one based on ASHRAE standards.
Airxchange® also provides AIRX calculators for direct-expansion, central-plant, and electric heat
systems. They are available at