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- Airxchange® Wheels Improve Dehumidification Performance
- Airxchange® Wheels Payback in 0-2 Years
- An ERV You Can Rep With Ease
- Anna Jaques Hospital uses Rebates and a Unique Design to Bring New Life to 40 Year old HVAC System
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- Jersey Shore University Medical Center Upgrades Energy Recovery Ventilation System
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- Upping the Ante on Fresh Air Ventilation: Horseshoe Casino Reduces Ventilation Costs by Over $400,000 with Airxchange® Energy Recovery Technology
- Videos
- Vineland Veterans Home Upgrades Ventilation System to Maximize Energy Savings while Maintaining the Health and Safety of its Occupants
- Wentworth Institute of Technology Reclaims Lost Energy Savings
Did You Know
Events & Webinars
HVAC Trends
- Future-Proof Your Indoor Air: The Role of Cost-effective Ventilation
- Extra Credit: 3 More Features, 0 Extra Costs with Polymer Wheels
- The New “Metal” – Why Bulky and Burly Isn’t Better
- The True Cost of Failure Rates in Poorly Made Energy Recovery Wheels – and How to Avoid Them
- The Value of Polymer – and How it Saves You Money
- New study confirms economic and health benefits of increased ventilation and ERVs
- HVAC Energy Rebate Programs Available
- Hidden Gem: Take Advantage of the Major Tax Break for Commercial HVAC Equipment
- The unnecessary cost of designing for low cross leakage
New Software
- Improving Building Ventilation with Affordable Fresh Air
- 40 Years of Fresh Air: Airxchange® Improving Indoor Air Quality Through Energy Savings
- Airxchange® Introduces a Washable Line of Energy Recovery Plates
- Airxchange® Joins Madison Industries
- The Competitive Advantage of Energy Recovery Wheels with Polymer Energy Transfer Matrix and Segmented Design
- Energy Recovery Ventilation’s Crucial Role in Reducing the Spread of Viruses
- Schools Fight COVID with Increased Ventilation & Airxchange® Interchangeable Segments
- ASHRAE Releases Revised Guidance Recommending Operation of ERV’s During an Epidemic
- Jersey Shore University Medical Center Upgrades Energy Recovery Ventilation System
- Airxchange® Software, Airxweb, is Now AHRI Path A Compliant
- Harley Davidson tunes up 20-year-old energy recovery ventilation system
- Replacement Energy Recovery Solutions
- AT&T Building in Miami, Florida
- Airxchange® has installed 1000 solar panels at its corporate headquarters
- Airxchange® Warranty
- Simplify ERV Wheel Replacements with Airxchange® Field Assembly Kits
- Our Innovative Replacement Wheel Design Won Gold in the ACHR News’ Dealer Design Awards
- ACHR News – Ventilation Products Get Smarter, More Efficient
- ASHRAE Standards Continue to Set Efficiency Baselines
- Energy recovery helps condo towers solve humidity, energy concerns
- Replacement 101 – Raising the Roof on HVAC Replacements and Energy Recovery Ventilation
- For and from HVAC System
- Intelligent Products Efficiently Circulate Air
- ERVs Gain Traction in New and Old Projects
- Rolling Around the ERV Wheel
- Green Building News – January Hot Products
- Airxchange® Announces Direct Energy Recovery Wheel Replacement Service
- HVAC Software Tools Make a Difference
- RSES – December New Technology Column
- ACHR News: Troubleshooting, Preventing Motor Failure
- ACHR News: Airxchange® Inc. – Online ERV Estimation Tool
- Contracting Business: ‘Sprout Space’ Zero-Energy Modular Classroom Offers a Peek at the Future
- Energy Recovery Wheel with DC Drive Motor
- Energy Recovery Earns High Marks at RI Career Academy
- Airxchange® to bring ERV Message to D.C
- Free Online Tool Estimates Savings, Environmental Impact of ERV
- Putting Renewable Solutions to the Test
- Innovative nursing home uses enthalpy wheel to take care of the budget, too
- Reduced Costs With Site-Recovered Energy
- Reducing Building HVAC Costs With Site-Recovered Energy
- Utilizing site-recovered energy
- Providence School Meets 40% Energy-Reduction Goal, Lowers HVAC First Cost
- Energy recovery system earns top marks at Rhode Island school
- School Meets Energy-Reduction Goal
- Nothing Wasted
- Site-Recovered Energy Reduces HVAC Costs
- Energy recovery system reduces cost of cooling outside air
- Energy-Recovery System Reduces Cost of Cooling Outside Air by 70 Percent
- Energy Recovery System Cuts School’s Cooling Costs 70%
- Florida School Lowers Cooling Costs 70 Percent
Product Feature
Project Profiles
- Washington Township School Increases Energy Efficiency in District
- Correctional Facility Recaptures Energy Savings
- ELM Terminal Revitalization Project
- Innovative Wheel Design Helps Wentworth Institute of Technology Reclaim Lost Energy Savings
- Georgia Tech’s HVAC service contractor finds success with modular replacement ERV wheels
Technical Notes
- Energy recovery technology is the cost effective solution to healthier indoor environments
- EPA and DOE recommend Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) systems for occupant health and energy efficiency
- Use Energy Recovery to achieve points towards LEED Certification